The Dog Days of Summer
7/10/2019 (Permalink)

Dog days; the sultry part of the summer, supposed to occur during the period that Sirius, the Dog Star, rises at the same time as the sun: now often reckoned from July 3 to August 11. a period marked by lethargy, inactivity, or indolence.(
We are certainly in the midst of the "dog days of summer" here in Litchfield County, Connecticut. The thermometer has risen to the 90's and it seems that everybody's energy levels have taken a bit of a dip. Our crew members have been working hard through the heat, with several challenging attic mold jobs this past month.
Yard work is assigned to the early mornings and evenings in weather like this. We prefer to use the "dog days" to stay indoors and accomplish some often neglected housekeeping tasks.
Check your washing machine hoses.
We advise that you replace them if you find any cracks or bulges. Ideally, rubber hoses can be replaced with a steel-jacketed hose that can't split open Also check your filter screens to confirm that they are not clogged. If not discovered quickly, hundreds of gallons of water can flood out of a burst hose an hour.
Sort and organize the pantry
How does the pantry always become so unorganized? Pull over your garbage can and a box for food to donate. Pull everything off of your pantry shelves and determine it's future. Those opened and half empty boxes of food that were lost in the back are probably destined for the garbage. Food that has been in your pantry for over a year might be better appreciated at a food pantry. Secure open items you plan to re-shelve in glass jars or ziploc bags to keep them fresh and bug free. Wipe down your shelves and reload.
Clean kitchen sink disposal.
We recommend using vinegar and lemon ice cubes to clean your disposal. Put some vinegar and cut up lemons into an ice tray and let it freeze, then run the ice cubes through the disposal. Not only does the vinegar clean and freshen the disposal unit, but the ice also sharpens the blades!
Don't forget to take a cue from the dogs and take time to relax and cool down!